Moselden Block Stone
Moselden is a grey-buff block stone regularly selected for walling and masonry projects across the UK. This building block stone can be used to add value to projects, and with its warm tones and hear-wearing nature it’s an obvious choice when you’re looking for natural stone blocks.
Look to Marshalls to provide large stone blocks for your next project. Extracted by our specialist minerals division from UK quarries and available from large reserves of dimensional stone.
This data is an indication of the future performance of the natural stone product only. Full testing and European Conformity marking (CE marking) is the responsibility of the contractor and/or stone processor selling the finished product. Marshalls accepts no liability for any reliance on information/images provided herein or for any contractor and/or stone processor failing to carry out its own testing and inspection. Test results may not be representative of the entire quarry. The information given is for guidance only and is subject to alteration without notice. Stone is a natural product which is subject to natural formation characteristics, significant variations in colour, texture and technical properties within the same range of stone. The stone image on this page is only as accurate as reprographic processes allow. Marshalls makes no representation or guarantee that the colour or texture shown on the datasheet is the same as that of the products delivered.

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