ashblackblacksbluesblushbrackenbrindlebrownsbuffbuffscharcoalcharcoal greycity silver greycreamsdark greysfrench greygraphitegreensgreygrey graniteharvest bufflight greyslight silver greymauvemid greysmidnightmoonlightmorning lightnaturalpennant greyredreds / pinkssilver greytraditionaltwilightwhites

Inspire me with Pattern
The use of a pattern whether it be simplistic or complex can be used to adjust the appearance of any space. Pattern can add depth and character to any design and product the effect that the space is larger than what it is. Designers are increasingly contrasting coloured banding and different colours to produce a stunning setting.
Browse through our imagery to find inspiration for your next scheme. If you need laying patterns, visit the page of the product you interested in and download in .dwg format direct to your machine. Alternatively contact us to request assistance, our Design Team can help you with your design.